ABC's of Third Grade

Welcome to Mrs. Williams 3rd Grade class! I’m excited about the opportunity to get to know you, and I’m looking forward to a happy and productive school year. Here is a brief overview of 26 classroom policies.

Attendance- much of our learning will take place together in class. We do lots of hands-on activities and group work. Please plan to attend school everyday, except in cases of illnesses or emergency!

Book Orders- Just about once a month, a book order form will come home from Scholastic. This is a great way to purchase books inexpensively, while helping our class earn points towards other items!

Communication- please feel free to contact me by email or call me at school with questions or concerns at any time. You can send a note in your child's HORSE. Comments on our class blog is also encouraged!

Dismissal- school ends at 3:00. You must send a note to school if your child is to go home a different way than his/her normal schedule especially if he/she is to ride a different bus!

Emergencies- please make sure we have the correct emergency information on file for your child. If phone numbers change, you can call or send a note so your child's file can be updated!

Field Trips- our class will be going on field trips this year. If you would like to chaperone one of these trips, please let me know! Permission slips must be returned for your child to attend. Please make sure that all money is turned in my deadline!
Graded Work- all graded work will come home on Fridays for student/parent review. Parents should sign the recording sheet on the front of the packet and return it inside the HORSE the following Monday!
Homework Club- your child will have homework Monday through Thursday. It should take about 20-30 minutes and must come back to school the next day in their HORSE! Students who consistently complete homework will be inducted into the Homework Club each month. Homework Club members will have a special treat each month!
Important Information- if you have any important papers that need to come to school, please send in your child's HORSE, as I will be checking these daily!

Job Well Done- when your child has a job well done in class, they will be recognized on our "Star Effort" board! All students will be able to view your child's work and see what made it so fantastic!
Kindness- we will learn about being kind to others and ourselves everyday. Almeda Elementary has a Zero Tolerance policy for bullying.

Lunch- our lunch time is from _____ until ____. If you come in during this time, be sure to sign in at the office and pick up a visitor's pass!

Money- when sending money to school, please put it in an envelope or bag inside the "Saddle Bag" in your child's HORSE. I will check these daily to ensure the money makes it to the right place.

Newsletter- newsletters with class updates and pictures of classroom happenings, will be sent home every other Monday. Look for them in your child's HORSE!

Open House- please plan to attend this event to learn more about our daily classroom activities, policies, and to see our classroom!

Parties- if you would like to help with a class party or provide snacks or favors, please let me know! There will be a sign-up sheet at Open House.
Quick and Quiet Hellos- as you volunteer in our classroom or our building, I will urge your child to acknowledge your with a "quick and quiet" wave hello. It is important for them to greet you, but remain involved in class activities.
Reading- students are expected to read at home every night, as part of their nightly homework. I encourage your to visit the public library and check out books from the book club list. Each month students are to complete a book report form and turn in for bucks. Bucks can be used to purchase items from the class store.
Spelling- each week your child will be given 10 words to study at home based on the spelling pattern we are studying in class. The Friday test will also include some words your child will not be able to study that follow the same spelling pattern. Homework activities will come from the Spelling Menu and will be completed in Word Study Journals. Find out more on the Word Study Page.

Tardies- students should be at school by 7:50. Arriving after this time causes students to lose instructional time.


Volunteers- we love volunteers! Moms, dads, can volunteer in class or work on things for class at home. Please let me know if you'd like to help and we can find a classroom job for you!

Website- our website blog is updated weekly with homework, spelling, and pictures. The great thing about a blog-site is that parents can comment on news, events, and pictures, so check it out!

X, Y, and Z- I am eXcited to work with You and Your child this year! Make sure he/she gets plenty of Zzzz's each night as we have exciting days planned this year!