Spelling & Vocabulary

Speller's Choice

Below is a list of activities you can do with your spelling words. Choose four different activities to complete each week. This will be completed in your Word Study Journal and turned in on Friday. Always underline your spelling words!

Spelling City- Go to the website http://www.spellingcity.com/ and select “Find a List”. Type in your teacher’s last name- "Keyana Williams". Then, select the unit and week that we are working on. You can do two different activities each week from Spelling City. Write this in the box on your assignment sheet as your choice and have someone sign it to say you did your words on Spelling City!

Rainbow Writing-Write your spelling words in pencil and then use two or three different colored
crayons to trace over the words.

Pyramid Writing-Write the first letter of your word, then on the next line, write the first two
letters of your word. Continue doing this until you have the word spelled. C ca cat

Red Vowels- Write your words in pencil. Then trace over the vowels with a red pencil, pen, or crayon.

Consonant Circles- Write your words in pencil. Then circle the consonants with a pen, colored pencil,
or crayon.

Salt Writing- Ask mom to pour some salt on a cookie sheet and write your spelling words in the salt. Mom has to sign in your spiral that you completed this.

Backward Writing- First, write your spelling word, and then write it backwards on your paper. Continue doing this until all words are written.

Color Writing- Write your spelling words in different colors and put them together to make one long word.

Shaving Cream Writing- Ask mom to put some shaving cream on a cookie sheet and write your spelling words in the shaving cream. Mom has to sign in your spiral that you completed this.

Computer Writing- Type your words on the computer, print out, and bring to school.

ABC Order- Write all your spelling words in ABC order.

Word Search- Make a list of your spelling words on a word search program and print it out. (http://www.puzzlemaker.com)

Rhymes Writing- Write your spelling words and next to them write a rhyming word. Example: men-pen Underline your spelling words.

Glue It Writing-Cut out letters from newspapers, magazines or make different kinds on the computer. Glue them to your paper to write your spelling words.

Code Writing- Write your spelling words using a code. Example: 1 = a, 2 = b, 3 = c, 4 = d, 5 = e (bed = 2,5,4 )

Tongue Twisters- Choose five of your spelling words and write a tongue twister sentence using each of them in a sentence. (All words will start with the same letter. Example: Pink pigs play the piano.) Underline the spelling word.

Scrabble Writing- Write your spelling words and use the scrabble letters to add up how much each word is worth. Example: way = 4 + 1 + 4 = 9
Money Spelling- Write your spelling words and then figure out how much each spelling word is worth. Example: play = 25 + 25 + 1 + 1 = 52 cents


Every Monday a new spelling pattern is introduced in class, and students are given 15 spelling words, 5 challenge words, and vocabulary words to study. Before the pattern is introduced, students will take a pre-test to assess their prior knowledge of the pattern. All students will then be given 10 pattern words to study at home. Students who score a 90% or better on the practice test will be given more challenging words (that follow the same pattern) for their study list. Students are to complete a total of four activities from the Spelling Menu in their Word Study Journal.  Students have all week to work on the activities in the journal and are asked to return it to school on the following Friday, the day of the weekly test.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday:

In school, students will rotate though a variety of word study stations that will help them practice both the pattern-based spelling words and their assigned high frequency words. At home, students should spend some time each night working on the assignments in their Word Study Journals.


The weekly spelling test will always be on Friday. This is also the day that the Word Study Journals are to be returned to school. After students take the spelling test in class, the corrected test will be returned to students so that they can record any words that they spelled wrong in their word study notebook. Every so often, students will have a week where their entire spelling list will be made up of these misspelled pattern words. If students misspell a high frequency word, it will remain on their high frequency word list until it is spelled correctly.